The comedy drama series Glee on Fox is loved by all the teenagers. Last episode which was named as ‘hold on to sixteen’ showed Sam Evans returns to McKinley High and New Directions at Finn’s urging just in time to compete in sectionals which were hosted by McKinley. So did you watch this episode with DISH Network? If yes, then it is ok but if no then you missed the real fun. DISH Network is not like other satellite TV providers, you get to watch clear picture and sound is also awesome.

The HD mode of this satellite TV will give you the real essence of this comedy cum drama series. The next episode which is to aired on 13th December, 2011 will broadcast that how the New Directions celebrates the holidays and how the group is confused as they are in dilemma regarding the offered opportunity to perform at two different events and unfortunately both has to be hosted at the same time. This episode is named ‘extraordinary Merry Christmas’.

So let us see what they do to sort out the problem, get ready with DISH Network channels and watch the upcoming episode.

10/21/2013 06:14:36 pm

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